Why Us
Why sensibly priced hearing aids?
My aim is to be clear about what you are paying for.
This ‘Transparency’ in pricing is what you will get at Hear in the Community.
What does this look like?
- You pay the list price for each hearing aid; between £160-960.
- Hearing aids come with a 2 year warranty. However you can choose to extend this for a further 3 years. Depending on the make, this will cost you between £75-135 per aid.
- You can also pay for batteries in advance. Sufficient quantities will be supplied to you and cost 21p each. Depending on size and usage this equates to £130-£145 for a 5 year supply of batteries for TWO hearing aids.
In addition:
- A Professional Fee is itemised separately. This is between £750 and £850 and includes all hearing tests, fitting and follow-up appointments. Service appointments are arranged every 10 months to clean and check your instruments and programme any changes that are needed. Any further sessions in between are also included in this fee.
- This Professional time can amount to 10-12 hours over a 5 year period.
An example for fitting 2 hearing aids:-
- Average list price for a pair of high quality, fully programmable digital instruments: £1250-00
- Extended Warranties to 5 years: £260-00 (maximum)
- Batteries for 5 years: £140-00
- All appointments for testing, fitting, follow-up and aftercare: £800-00
TOTAL: £2450-00
Noise protection is also available for industrial use, DIY enthusiasts, gardeners, musicians, shooters, motor sports and light sleepers
Information web sites:
Emtec www.noisebreakers.co.uk
Advanced Communication Solutions www.hearingprotection.co.uk